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  • How I Created My 2024 Strategic Plan (in 2 hours) with AI

How I Created My 2024 Strategic Plan (in 2 hours) with AI

My step by step process and prompts

You’re reading Create Leverage (formerly The Evolved Entrepreneur), a weekly newsletter sharing tips and tools to help coaches and experts turn their expertise into leverage so they can work less, make more, impact lives, and enjoy life.

Hey there Evolved Entrepreneurs… I’m back!

I started the year with a 6-week break from writing.

  • To finish building my membership community (opening next week!)

  • To reset my content strategy

  • And to zoom out on the long game

Most put “consistency” on a golden pedestal, but don’t value enough the power of “intentionality”—and intentional breaks.

I’m not talking about the “I don’t feel like doing it” kind of breaks. I’m talking about intentional separation to create alignment and focus.

  • If a problem seems big, zoom out.

  • If your progress seems slow, zoom out.

  • If a task feels meaningless, zoom out.

Don't be the problem. Step away and see the problem.

Intentional separation helps us see our role in the issue and how our actions or thinking might be contributing to the problem.

Most of our issues stem from playing a short-term game in a long-game world.

Step back, zoom out, realign, and then redesign for momentum. With intentionality.

This is the way.

Ahhh, it feels good to be back. I have lots I want to share with you.

Starting with a training I recorded last month on how I created my 2024 Strategic Plan within a couple of hours by leveraging AI as a strategic thinking partner.

Game changer.

Let’s dive in.

Creating your Strategic Plan with AI

I spent most of my December running strategic planning sessions for my clients and my portfolio companies.

Helping them zoom out to align with the bigger picture vision and long game, then zooming in to create a strategic and operational plan for unstoppable momentum in 2024.

This used to be a long process for me and my clients. Days, sometimes weeks.

I wanted to find a faster, easier, and better way to do strategic planning so I started playing around with AI prompts to help.

And got the whole process down to a couple hours!

I recorded a walkthrough for you, in case you’re needing to create your 2024 Strategic Plan still.

If you’re all set for this year already, great on you! You can still check out the process for next time.

In the free training, I covered:

  • How to create an effective Strategic Plan that bridges long-term vision to short-term operations

  • How to clearly define your Client-centric Mission (using AI to synthesize your mission)

  • How to define and align your personal and business 3-Year Vision

  • How to set your 1-Year Targets using AI as a strategic thinking partner

  • How to set your 10X Goal up for a Quantum Leap this year

  • How to create your Quarterly Objectives and turn them into OKRs (using AI)

  • How to do Weekly & Daily Momentum Planning to keep you hyper-focused and aligned

  • And more…

The full step-by-step with the exact AI prompt templates I used.

My clients pay me a lot to run this process with their teams. You’re getting it for free because I’m feeling extra generous this year.

Here’s a link to the free training & AI prompts:


If you found the training and process valuable:

  1. Reply to this email or drop me a DM (on IG or LinkedIn) and let me know! I’ll share more free trainings like this if I know they’re valuable to you.

  2. Consider joining the membership community that’s opening up next week. DM me “COMMUNITY” for more info.

Much appreciated!

Your Pal,


What’s Happening In This Newsletter

A couple of updates to this newsletter:

  • Renaming this newsletter to Create Leverage (previously The Evolved Entrepreneur)

    • Same weekly deep dive guides like the Momentum Series and trainings like today’s letter. But more focused on helping you create leverage with business systems and AI automation.

  • Monk Mode Mondays will be moved to a new newsletter, the Dao Of Entrepreneurship.

    • Subscribe here to get weekly insights on mindset mastery, inner work, and finding balance by bringing Eastern philosophy and wisdom to the path of entrepreneurship.

I’m separating the two newsletters to keep each one focused.

Simplicity is magic, simplicity scales.

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