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  • A Simple Framework to Reset for 2024: Stop-Start-Keep

A Simple Framework to Reset for 2024: Stop-Start-Keep

Give yourself permission to evolve

Happy New Year my fellow evolutionary entrepreneurs!

A new year means a new opportunity to reset: to give yourself permission to evolve.

To become WHO you need to be to call in and hold your vision.

Sometimes, that means giving yourself permission to change everything you do.

Letting go of what no longer serves you, and calling in what will serve you and your vision better.

I love to kickstart my years with a simple reset. Here’s how I do mine:

  • Get clear and realigned with my desired outcome

  • Then let the outcome go and focus on the process

  • I look at what I need to STOP, START, and KEEP doing

  • Then I create systems around it for unstoppable momentum

Less is better.

Noise and pressure is the enemy of momentum.

It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you allow yourself to get obsessed with ONE outcome and be relentless with the process.

Countless companies and teams have used the Stop-Start-Keep method.

Why? It’s simple and it works.

You ca take this method and use it in all areas of your business and personal life:

  • For teams: what should we Stop-Start-Keep doing this year?

  • For business owners: what should I Stop-Start-Keep doing this year?

  • For relationships: what should we Stop-Start-Keep doing this year?

  • For personal goals: what should I Stop-Start-Keep doing this year?

  • For financial goals: what should I Stop-Start-Keep doing this year?

  • For anything…

I took the day to reflect on my reset.

After 32 weeks of writing and posting daily on LinkedIn, and 40 letters published in this newsletter last year, I learned a few things.

I read and analyzed all your comments and feedback. I hear you.

That’s why I am remaking my whole newsletter. Here’s what I’m going to Stop-Start-Keep doing this year…


  • Writing about generalized “WHAT to do” content

  • Writing about generalized mindset stuff

  • Adding noise and pressure to your inbox


  • Niching down further to write specific “HOW to do” content

  • Creating deep-dive trainings on YouTube

  • Go all-in on building a membership community


  • Sharing my best knowledge and expertise on these newsletters

  • Sharing ready-to-use templates and systems

  • Learning, testing, and mastering my frameworks

On a personal level, here’s what I’m going to Stop-Start-Doing this year:


  • Saying yes to everything - more of less this year

  • Tolerating things and people that don’t elevate my energy - love begins with self-love and self-respect

  • Choosing to do things the hard way - it gets to be easy and leverage is the answer


  • Having more fun and sharing more joy

  • Getting more obsessed with serving my people powerfully

  • Deepening my connection with Source


  • Prioritizing a regulated nervous system

  • Prioritizing my peace of mind

  • Systematizing my business and life for momentum

One purpose - to help you turn your knowledge and expertise into a thriving online business while working less and enjoying more of what matters to you.

Expect a new evolution of this newsletter in 2024.

Thank you for your continued support and attention.

Now it’s your turn… reset and realign.

What are you going to STOP-START-KEEP doing this year?

Let’s keep winning together,

Your Pal


The Community

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Consider joining the Community I’m launching this month. You’ll get access to courses, weekly live trainings, and more. We’ll be launching with the Momentum Lab and Launch Lab courses.

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