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Leveraging ChatGPT in your business

The 3-step RAD Method to turn ChatGPT into your AI Assistant

Are you using ChatGPT or AI Tools in your business?

AI is revolutionizing industries across the globe: including the coaching and consulting space.

From automating tasks, speeding up creation and implementation, to supporting on strategy and marketing. And so much more.

AI has created one of the greatest opportunities for leverage in business.

Our roles as founders and entrepreneurs are to build things, solve problems, and innovate.

And in the process: learn to lead better, self-actualize, and create the life of freedom and fulfillment that we desire.

I’ve never been more excited by how efficiently and effectively you can now do this by harnessing the support of AI-powered tools and teams trained to leverage AI. Possibilities are limitless.

To be honest, when the whole AI thing became a hot topic, I was a bit hesitant.

Being a human-first kind of guy, my exact thoughts were: there’s no way AI could replace what humans can do on a deeper level.

But then I caught myself.

I realized this is a limiting and scarcity mindset.

AI won’t replace humans. AI will replace a lot of things humans feel we need to do first to make space for the great work of our life: self-actualization and the deeper relational work.

The sooner we can remove low-value and energy-draining tasks and activities off our plates, the sooner we invest all our time and energy into doing work that excites us and creates value.

This is the opportunity that leveraging AI in our business provides us.

Time freedom and deeply fulfilling work and life.

Now here’s the thing, the world of AI can be complex and overwhelming with the landscape expanding so quickly.

I want to share some simple frameworks and methods in this newsletter on how I’m leveraging AI and ChatGPT in my business.

If you read to the end, I threw in a gift for you.

Let’s dive in!

The RAD Method

Out of frustration from the overwhelming amount of shitty training and education on using AI for business…

I decided to experiment, document, and create my own process for effectively leveraging ChatGPT to get good results.

Most people suck at using ChatGPT.

They throw in generic prompts that they see people sharing on the internet, then get generic answers from ChatGPT. And then complain that ChatGPT is too generic and won’t work for my specific business.

This is interesting because I see business founders making the exact mistake when it comes to recruiting talent.

They find an A-Player, hire them with a generic hiring process, onboard them with a generic onboarding process (some don’t even have a process for hiring or onboarding). Then get average results that don’t meet their expectations and blame the new hire.

Here’s the thing…

A-Players require an A-Environment to create A-Results.

An A-Player in a B-Environment will create B-Results at best.

This applies to ChatGPT as well. Asking AI to do something for you without providing the right onboarding and training, doesn’t set it up to win for you.

I have a 3-step process for onboarding, training, and setting up my new hires for success.

I decided to apply the same method to using ChatGPT and it works wonders!

Here’s the 3-step RAD Method:

  1. ROLE: clarify the role and expectations

  2. ASSETS: provide the information and assets for success

  3. DELEGATION: 10-80-10 rule for delegating through a sequence of execution and feedback

Let’s break each one down on how it applies to turning ChatGPT into a business assistant.

Step 1: Define the Role

The first step is to clearly define the Role you want ChatGPT to play for you.

Just like when recruiting a new hire, you want to clearly define the role and expectations for the role you’re hiring them for.

  • Establish the Role: what expertise is your AI Assistant tapping into?

  • Define the Tasks or Outcomes: what outcomes are you wanting your AI Assistant to create?

  • Define the Voice: Your AI Assistant should reflect your brand voice. Is your brand professional or casual? Formal or friendly?

  • Define the Personality Traits: What traits do you want your AI Assistant to have? Should it be creative, analytical, strategic, adaptable?

Here’s an example prompt I would give ChatGPT:

You will act as a Marketing Assistant in our business, and you specialize in market research, content creation, social media management, and campaign analysis. Your personality type is creative, analytical, detail-oriented, and adaptable.

Once you’ve defined the role, now it’s time to train your new hire.

Step 2: Provide the Assets

Throwing a new hire right into the deep end without properly onboarding and training them is the surest way to lose a great hire.

The same way you would onboard a new hire to your company by training them on your business and giving them access to assets they need to succeed…

You want to train your AI Assistant by providing these 6 key Assets:

  1. Your Business: what is your business, who do you help, what outcome/problem do you create/solve

  2. Your Target Audience: what are their pain points and their desires

  3. Your Offers: what products/services do you offer (free and paid)

  4. Your IP (Intellectual Property): what’s your methodology

  5. Your Unique Message: how do you help your clients get results and how are you different from your competitors

  6. Your Writing Style: what is your brand voice and writing style

There are 2 ways you can train ChatGPT on these assets.

Method 1: Knowledge Transfer

This is a traditional way of providing your new hire (or ChatGPT) with the internal knowledge and information they need to succeed in their role.

Some example Knowledge Transfer prompts:

My business “_________” (your business) that helps _________ (target audience) to _________ (results you help them achieve) by __________ (how you help them).

The pain points of my target audience are:




The desires of my target audience are:




In my business, we offer _____, _____, _____(services and products) that can help our clients. I want to provide you more information about what we offer, what's included and the pricing.

Method 2: Reverse Consulting Method

This one is my favorite technique.

Instead of just transferring knowledge to ChatGPT, I’ll follow up by asking ChatGPT to reverse the table and interview me until it has enough information to fully understand my business, ideal clients, and target audience.

An example Reverse Consulting prompt:

Interview me, one question at a time. Ask me questions about my business and target audience, until you have enough information to fully understand my business, my target audience, and my messaging.

Combining both methods of Knowledge Transfer and Reverse Consulting will give ChatGPT a pretty good level of understanding of your specific business and audience.

The outputs it can give you will now be specific and tailored.

Step 3: Delegate like a boss

Now you’re ready to delegate and give ChatGPT some tasks and prompts to do.

But make sure you’re delegating like an effective leader and boss.

When it comes to effective delegation, I like to teach my clients the 10-80-10 Rule:

  • The first 10% of time should be spent clearly communicating the task, setting expectations, and ensuring that the person being delegated to understands what needs to be done

  • The next 80% of time would be spent allowing the individual to execute

  • The final 10% of time would be spent reviewing the completed task, assessing performance, and providing feedback and further training if necessary

You want to apply the same rule to working with ChatGPT.

  • Define the expected outcome and assign the initial step as a task

  • Allow your AI Assistant to work its magic

  • Then review and provide feedback or additional training

For example, if you want your AI Assistant to write a blog post, don’t just prompt it to write a full blog post.

Instead, define the ROLE and provide the ASSETS.

Then sequence the execution through a series of prompts and feedback:

  • Ask your AI Assistant to come up with 5 blog post topics for your target audience

  • Then pick one that you like and ask it to come up with 5 blog post titles or headlines for that topic

  • Then pick one that you like and ask it to outline this blog post

  • Modify the outline to match how you would write it or to include points you want

  • Then ask it to write the intro of your blog post

  • Review and provide feedback

  • Then ask it to continue with the next section of the blog post

  • Review and provide feedback or ask it to include certain points you want

  • Repeat until you have a completed blog post

This creates room for providing feedback and course correcting along the way to ensure your AI Assistant is generating useful output that meets your expectations.

There you have it, the 3-step RAD Method to turn ChatGPT into an AI Assistant for you and your team.

AI Assistant Playbook

About that gift I mentioned earlier…

I put together a comprehensive guide on leveraging ChatGPT in your business and I’m giving it to you.

It has been transformational learning and applying these frameworks for me and I hope it can now serve you too.

You can grab the AI Assistant Playbook here.

If this newsletter and playbook have been helpful, please let me know and I’ll create more on this.

Thanks for reading!

Your Pal,


P.S. Whenever you’re ready…

  1. I created some tools and resources here to help you take your business to the next level

  2. Want to dive deeper on how to become a time freedom Founder? I’m launching the 20 Hour Founders Course soon, get on the waitlist.

  3. Follow me on LinkedIn and Instagram for more tips on business and mindset growth

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